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  • Emma Bumpstead

Artificial Intelligence: Should It Stay Or Should It Go?

In today’s technological advanced world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in various industries, marketing being one. The potential for AI to analyse vast amounts of data, automate tasks, and provide valuable insights has revolutionised the way our businesses approach marketing strategies. From enhancing customer experiences and behaviours, to optimising campaign performance, AI has, and will continue to transform the marketing landscape. Will it get to the point that AI replaces Marketers? In this blog we will explore the pros and cons of AI and what is in store for the future of AI.

The advantages of using AI in marketing: Firstly, let's talk about the positives that AI brings into our day-to-day work;

AI-powered tools can process vast amounts of data, enabling marketers to gain valuable insights into consumer preferences, behaviour patterns, and purchasing habits. With AI-driven analytics, businesses can make data-informed decisions, target specific audiences more effectively and personalise marketing messages for increase engagement.

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have transformed customer support by providing instant responses to queries, around-the-clock availability, and personalised assistance. With natural language processing capabilities, that are forever being updated, AI-driven chatbots can understand and respond to customer inquiries, providing a seamless and efficient customer experience.

AI streamlines repetitive marketing tasks such as lead scoring, email campaigns, and social media management (especially with Meta integrating AI into their social platforms). Marketers can automate workflows, saving time and resources and allows time to focus on strategic initiatives. AI-driven automation ensures consistent messaging, timely responses, and optimised campaign delivery, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.

These are just some of the advantages AI can provide in the digital marketing landscape.

The Disadvantages of using AI in Marketing: Due to the nature of AI heavily relying on data, and if the data being used is biased or inaccurate, it can perpetuate existing biased and discrimination. Us Marketers need to ensure that there is transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI systems to avoid potential ethical drawbacks. Amazon, for example, curated an AI model “manager” to hire new staff, providing it with historical resumes from the last decade. However, it soon went wrong, having a gender bias towards hiring males.

AI requires high-quality, accurate data to deliver reliable insights. Marketers need to invest in data collection, cleansing and management to ensure the accuracy and integrity of their data. Relying on flawed or incomplete data may lead to misguided marketing decisions and ineffective campaigns.

What’s in store for the future of marketing?

Data Driven Decision making:

One of the key advantages of AI in marketing is its ability to process and analyse enormous volumes of data in real-time, allowing data-driven decisions with greater precision and accuracy. AI algorithms can extract valuable insights from customer behaviour, preferences and purchasing habits, all in all helping businesses tailor their marketing gain a deeper understanding of their customers, enabling us to make hyper-personalised and effective campaigns.

Predictive Analytics:

AI’s predictive capabilities will enable marketers to anticipate customer needs, identify emerging trends and adapting their strategies to ensure better results. This will be helpful for marketers as we can use historical data to utilise machine learning algorithms. Also, marketers will be able to forecast consumer behaviour, optimise pricing better and allocate resources with more effectiveness.

Voice and Visual Search:

With the rise of voice assistants and visual search technologies (Google’s Image Search for example), marketers will need to optimise their content and SEO to align with the AI-driven search methods. Voice activated ads and visual search optimisation will become a critical part in capturing consumers’ attention and driving incremental conversions.

Hyper-targeted Advertising:

AI will continue to push the boundaries of personalisation, allowing us marketers to deliver hyper-targeted experiences – no matter how niche or defined your audience is – based on real-time data and advanced algorithms. By working with AI, marketers can offer highly-personalised ads, including custom content and individualised pricing, in return boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.


To conclude, I think that whilst AI brings great opportunities, it is unlikely to replace us marketers however, we will have to work shoulder-to-processor to see the best results. Nonetheless, it will only make our job easier, augmenting our capabilities and enabling us to manage not only our time, but also our workload a lot better! We will be responsible for overseeing AI systems, interpreting the insights it provides, all to enhance customer experiences and drive business growth, ensuring that we hit those all-important KPI targets.

Written by Jordan Powers


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